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This is a guide showing how to run basic searches in Bloomberg

How Do I Find Index Information?

To find index data, including a description, constituents and prices, type the mnemonic/symbol for that index, then press the INDEX key, type DES and then GO. If you do not know the mnemonic for your index, start typing the name of the index in the search box on the top left of the screen. Keep typing until Bloomberg auto-suggests your index, then select it.

To obtain a list of the current members of the index, from the index's profile page (the page you will see after following the instructions in the first paragraph), select 6) Members, or type MEMB and press GO. To see a price chart for the index, select 3) Price Chart or type GP and press GO

Mnemonics for Popular Indexes

NDX      NASDAQ 100 Stock Index

DJII       Dow Jones Industrial Index

RIY        Russell 1000 Index

RTA        Russell 2000 Index

RAY        Russell 3000 Index

SPX        Standard & Poor's 500 Index


To access a list of the most popular indexes across the globe or indexes by region, type WEI (World Equity Indexes) and press GO

Jim Bondra

Profile Photo
Jim Bondra
607-220-4382 (mobile)