This is a guide showing how to run basic searches in Bloomberg
- Basic Info
- Online Training
- Data and Displays
- Equities
- Index Information
- Fixed Income
- Credit Rating For a Company
- Funds
- Derivatives
- Industry
- Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Information
- ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance Ratings)
- Guides from Other Colleges/Universities
- Videos
- Blomberg Cheatsheets/Guides
- Excel API Access
- Bloomberg Query Language (BQL) as a Tool to Retrieve Data for Analysis in Excel
Credit Rating for a Company
To find the credit rating for a company:
Enter [company ticker]<EQUITY>CRPR<GO> to find ratings from the major rating companies or go enter [company ticker]<CORP><GO> and select a specific bond to view the rating.
Example: To find the credit rating for Apple: AAPL <EQUITY>CRPR<GO>